Eliminate Waste from your Capital Budget Leveraging the Power of Stratex Online
Eliminate Waste from your Capital
Budget Leveraging the Power of
Stratex Online
Budget Leveraging the Power of
Stratex Online
Eliminate Waste from
your Capital Budget
Leveraging the Power of
Stratex Online
It’s crunch time for capital budgets right now and organizations are deciding what’s going to make the cut for 2023/24. Amongst the spreadsheet versions, copious emails and project list iterations how do you know if: Your spreadsheet-based reports are reliable? You selected the projects that will matter most for the organisation? Project initiatives have been fairly and consistently evaluated and ranked?
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Watch Again Here: If you missed our sponsored Webinar
hosted by CPA Australia.
Richard Frykberg (CEO of IQX Business Solutions) discussed the key concepts to eliminate waste from your capital budget:
- Invest your capital where it matters most
- Track your initiatives from idea to asset
- Apply a standardised scoring and ranking methodology to focus investment and effort (multi-dimensional)
- Consider risk and time value of money
- Beware of Excel limitations