Maximize your ROI by Eliminating Waste with Capital Planning Software as a Service
Stratex Online is a Software as a Service solution for managing the entire capital planning process from project prioritization and business case development, through project portfolio management and capital expenditure requests, to project forecasting and analysis.
Streamline your Capital Budgeting
The traditional capital budgeting process is inefficient due to manual processes and fragmented data-sources. They rely on spreadsheets, simplistic financial metrics, and outdated planning cycles; leading to subpar project selection and missed opportunities. Stratex Online Capital Planning Software enhances the capital budgeting process and enables more informed capital allocation decisions; saving you time, money and helping to achieve strategic goals.
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Stratex Online is Powered by IQX Business Solutions with Broad Global and Industry Expertise
“Our end-to-end Stratex Online system has created incredible value and standardization to our business. The team at IQX are always prompt in their support and ongoing app developments to suit customer needs.”
Adam Meiorin – Finance Manager – Group Capital & Assets, Visy
Learn more about IQX Business Solutions
Maximize your Return on Investment by Budgeting Capital for Projects that are Strategically Aligned
Capital Planning Software as a Service assures that your financial capital and human resources are allocated to capital projects that matter most, ensuring that your strategic objectives are achieved at the lowest production cost, in the fastest time, and with the least risk.

Improve Productivity by Integrating your Capital Expenditure Project Management Process
Capital Planning Software will save you time and allow you to focus on more valuable activities, by replacing spreadsheet-based processes with centralized data and analytics and email-based approval processes with fully automated workflow routing.

Mitigate Risk and Ensure Effective Project Management, Governance and Delegation of Authority Approval
Capital Planning Software provides executives with effective control over the entire capital expenditure management process by ensuring approvals are in accordance with procurement policy, by formally assessing project risks, and by effective project status monitoring to allow for timely corrective actions.

Investment Opportunity Identification and Ideation
The capital budgeting process starts with an identified need or want. Stratex Online budgeting and capital planning software makes it easy for anyone in your organization to capture that idea as it forms. All staff have access to their area’s strategic goals and objectives to align initiatives accordingly. A sophisticated initiative scoring model is applied to each initiative and urgent and important initiatives are rapidly escalated for management review. >>Explore More
Business Case Evaluation
A business case provides the justification for the investment of time and money to achieve strategically aligned outcomes. Stratex Online capital planning software provides a standardized and easy-to-complete Business Case template that captures project justifications, classifications and financial analyses. The key output of the Business Case evaluation is a reliable set of financial metrics (including Payback Period, NPV and Internal Rate of Return) and an overall project ranking score. >>Explore More

Project Portfolio Management and Budgeting
Funding and resource allocation are limited, so management must choose and budget for the optimal project portfolio. Supporting both the project portfolio selection process by area managers and the overall enterprise budget allocation and distribution to each area accordingly. Stratex Online capital budgeting software also provides automated portfolio selection based on your optimization strategy. Project portfolio request submission and approval workflows are fully systemized to support efficient aggregation and allocation of capital budgets by area. >>Explore More
Capital Expenditure Requests
When a project is ready for execution a Capital Expenditure Request (CER) is raised for final approval. These requests are also called Authorization For Expenditure (AFE), Request for Approval/Appropriation (RFA), or Project Expenditure Request (PER). Stratex Online Capital Planning Software automatically determines the routing to all required approvers and provides a transparent and expedited approval process. Reminders, escalations, delegations, mobile app approvals and process monitoring are all fully supported. >>Explore More

Get Started with Stratex Online Capital Planning Software
Get Started with Stratex Online
Capital Planning Software
Capital Planning Software
Don’t waste your capital budget. Empower your organization with world-class Capital Planning Software; ready to run even before your next financial planning and budgeting cycle. See how Capital Planning Software as a Service can transform your capital planning and capital budgeting process, optimize decision making, and help you achieve strategic goals for long-term business continuity. Talk with an expert today!